
Tuesday, November 02, 2004

A Diary Entry of a New IC Applicant

1. Woke up early at 5 am.

2. Reach the goverment office at 5.30am. Joined the queue. Got to be in 5th place.

3. Chit chat with others to kill time.

4. Joined the other queue, at a different building when realised that it was the wrong queue at the first place. Joined the queue at number 13.

5. Rushed back home to look for great great grandfather's birth certificate, when the 'Pak Guard' remarked that it was required to prove one's nationality.

6. Reached the goverment office at 7.00 am. Re-joined the queue at number 29.

7. Regretted eating the tomyam buffet the previous night. Had to go to the toilet.

8. Rejoined the queue at number 41. They were people hanging around the office door: Bloody queue jumpers.

9. Office open at 7.30!

10. Everyone rushed in, pushing and shoving. It was chaos. Managed to get through.

11. Got number 9. :)

12. Number was called. An officer checked through the necessary documents and forms. Problem with photocopy of old IC. Both sides of the IC has to be photocopied onto the same A4 page.

13. Paid RM1 for the photocopy at a nearby shop.

14. Approached the officer again. Problem with photo. Both ears were not visible and covered by hair. Have to retake the photo at a nearby stall.

15. Paid RM50 for the new photo which looks exactly the same as the old photo.

16. Approached the officer again. No problem this time. Was given another queue number. 182.

17. Was asked to go back home and return in the afternoon, as the number will probably be served in the afternoon.

18. Call back office to apply for another half day leave.

19. Return home.

20. Return back at 2.30pm, after lunch time.

21. Number 210 was being called.

22. Enquired at the counter about number 182.

23. Got scolded by another officer because not present when the number was called in the morning. Will only be served when everybody else has been served.

24. Wait.

25. Wait.

26. Wait some more.

27. Waaaaiiiiitttt.....

28. 182!!

29. Sit at the counter while the officer was going through the documentations.

30. Learnt that the officer was having fried chicken for dinner, and her husband was outstation for two weeks. Overheard her conversation with her colleague.

31. Sign a few forms, thumb-printed a few documents, asked to return in 1 month to get the new IC.

32. Asked the officer what were the procedures for getting the new IC. "You datang bulan depan lah, ambik nombor queue lah, kalau mau cepat, mesti datang awal lah, pukul 6 ka, 5 ka."

Note added (3 November 2004 3.54pm):
Based on the comments received from the readers, most readers thought that the above was my experience when applying for my new MyKad yesterday. Actually we didn't get to apply for MyKad yesterday at the Putrajaya branch. We were late, and all the numbers have been snapped up by 8.30am. The above is actually a collection of experience I had over the years in dealing with official documentation applications with governmental bodies, particularly IC and passport application. And it was meant to poke fun at our 'system'. :)