
Wednesday, September 15, 2004

DIY Cabinet

Now I know why I was in IT field, rather than in carpentry or selling furniture. Because I really suck at it.

We have been looking for a cheap cabinet for our store room to store our junk and rubbish. So last week, when a certain hypermarket was having a promotion RM99 for a 12 compartment bookshelf/cabinet, we bought it. We have checked; before promo RM180. And it was damn heavy.

It was until last night, that we have time to assemble it. DIY lah. After visiting Yiyi, we went back early and got to work.

At 8.30pm:

Papi : OK. This should be easy. *pounding chest* Sap sap sui.

Mami : Sure or not, don't action lar.

Papi : Easy lar, by 9.30 can finish lar. Then shower, then watch Amazing Race at 10.

Mami : OK.

Papi : *Unwrap box, take out the wooden panels, screws, door knob, wooden pegs* Eh? Where is the manual? *search search*

Mami : Hah? No manual ah? Then how?

Papi : Don't worry, easy lar, I can do it *pounding chest*

At 9.50pm:

Mami : Eh? Papi, can ah? Amazing Race want to start already. I go shower first.

Papi : Celaka mya. No manual how to assemble?

Mami : *laugh* ha ha .. you said easy one...

Papi : Aiya, I am an engineer lar, not a furniture seller lar...if write program to fly rocket to the moon I know lar...

Mami : OK lar, I go shower first, if cannot tomorrow continue..

Papi : OK.

At 10.50pm:

Papi : back legs are aching...... (old already)

Mami : ha ha ha..tomorrow continue lar....

Papi : OK lar, tomorrow lar.

So today I am going to take everything apart (actually for the 4th time already) again and start from scratch again.

sap sap sui : Cantonese meaning very easy.
celaka : Malay meaning damn!